Talent Sustainability: From Replacing to Investing in People
Why are we constantly moving from one Hiring Tsunami to another and suffering from a whiplash effect? There's a way to change the paradigm and transform it into a more sustainable cycle. Companies and HR teams need to start changing their approach from "replacing" to "investing" in people.
AI in the workplace
🔥The interest in AI has exploded in the past few months, especially since ChatGPT was released to the public.
🚩Questions have been raised about its readiness, and the potential for unethical and discriminatory practices when not designed or tuned correctly.
🙋🏻♂️Any Technology has the potential to elevate our jobs to the next level of creative problem solving. Find in the comments a blog post where I reflect on some of the applications and challenges of AI in the workplace.
🧪Have you tried ChatGPT or any other AI powered Technology? What was your experience?
Linkedin Talent Connect 2022
🎢The Talent function has increased in complexity and strategic impact. The role of Talent professionals extends beyond hiring to onboarding, learning, mobility, retention, and rewards. Change, and complexity in the field will continue increasing, and we need to learn how to move from a sprint to a marathon mentality for our teams to thrive
🌀Despite a potential economic slow down/downturn that Economists are predicting, the labor market will continue to be tight. This is due to higher mobility across industries, and demographics tightening the available workforce
❣️Purpose alignment is a given. The main drivers for workers are getting a sense of inclusion and belonging, being recognized as individuals, and having opportunities to grow
🤹Skills are core to the design of any attraction, development, and retention initiatives. They expand the diversity of the talent pools, and minimize bias throughout the employee lifecycle. AI can help build sustainable skill based models that stay relevant over time
💻Web3 technology provides with opportunities to create more immersion, and add a layer of connection to a highly digital employee experience
Future of Work Trends
🔵 Are you feeling a general lack of motivation? It feels like groundhog year 2022 and many people continue asking themselves what’s the purpose of what they do to keep on going and make positive changes in their lives.
🔮 After a long break, some reading, and observations, I have compiled a list of future of work trends for companies to consider and set themselves apart.
💗 What matters to each one of us is very personal. I mostly care about how accomplished, challenged and supported I feel in all my aspects of my life, including at work. What’s your criteria to make decisions in your career and your life?
Don’t Ghost Me
Have you ever been ghosted in a hiring process? I have been in Talent Operations for quite a while and played all of the roles in hiring multiple times over. Find here some pointers so that there’s less ghosting and more sweet experiences for everyone involved. What’s been your most memorable hiring experience?
You’ve got e-mail… and plenty of Zoom calls!
I write an email to my team with some reflections every other week. Looking back, I see recurrent themes in my emails. One that has been very present during this long pandemic has been reminding my team to stay healthy, providing them with some working from home tips.
When you care
To all fathers out there, have a great father’s day full of joy today! Let’s talk about our day to day experiences and normalize our situation at work. Sharing the wisdom we are accumulating through this wonderful experience with others is a generous act.
Down the rabbit hole
When there’s not much to do outside, we are tempted to pick up our phones to keep on scrolling, liking, sharing and responding. The result is not always giving what’s right more attention. Find here some tips to make our online experience better.
Golden Eagle
Did you know that most Eagles spend 80% of their time resting and perching and 20% soaring to scan the environment? It is often during that 20% that they come across essential resources that guarantee their survival, such as prey or a safe nesting spot. Why is it that wandering around has developed such a negative connotation in humanly constructed organizations and systems? Find in this article a few pro tips to unleash your creative spirit!
Groundhog Year
We often say that the hardest part is to get started. This year has proven us again that the hardest part is to keep on going.
The uniqueness of our experience matters
When we talk about diversity, we may ignore what the starting point of individuals has been. Sailing without strong wind behind requires extra effort to get ahead. Traits like creativity and resolution develop as a result.
Job Series #1 My First Job
I had 9 distinct part time jobs before landing my first paid internship that you can see displayed on my Linkedin profile. The more I think about my career development, the more I realize how crucial those experiences were in shaping who I am. If you entered the job market early, you probably have some memorable stories to share. Here is my first one!
Polar Opposites
We are often asked to position ourselves on one or another end of spectrums in many aspects of our day to day life. How many times have we been asked to choose from two opposite sides and struggled with the decision?
Our thinking models do not need to pull from two opposite linear extremes. Multi dimensional models can enrich our perspectives and drive us towards better solutions.
Blue Jay’s warning sounds
If we have learnt anything from this pandemic is that we need to be more invested in the collective well being. Plenty of us are making the alarm bells sound for others to pay attention and watch out. What’s the best way to persuade someone to follow our lead?
Make every interaction count
I have just crossed the 4 years mark at Uber. It has been in many ways a roller coaster ride but one that I would not change for any other. Shortly before joining the company, I participated as a speaker in a big industry event in London.
-Artwork: Cantimplora 2020-
4 steps to plan during unprecedented times
How many times have you heard the word “unprecedented” lately? Shelter measures have been in place for over 2 months now. We are all looking for ways to react, move on or simply get by. How do we do it with so many open questions ahead of us?
-Photograph: Looking Forward
The hitchhiker's guide to your career
I have been gardening this weekend. Some plants simply needed water, some required new soil and a few had outgrown their pots and I had to re-plant. Our individual growth can also benefit from some extra care.
Future Proof
Rapid and frequent changes make us consider our priorities and adjust our actions. Growing inequality and changes in demographics, the environment and Technology are impacting our economic systems and adding complexity to the world we live in. New leadership models and mindsets are needed to deal with complex and uncertain environments.
The Scrapbook
To produce new concepts we need to imagine them first. Like an artist seeking inspiration before making a masterpiece, some wandering around helps us bring a concept to reality. During these flaring stages of ideation, no idea can escape the remix.
-Art Work: Xiuxiueja 2018-
The Philosopher’s Stone
As part of my day to day, I partner with Global Leaders and teams to clarify their direction and organize their initiatives. The easier part of this exercise is often coming up with the activities that each team performs. The harder part is to group these activities into higher level priorities and goals. The same thing happens to all of us as individuals. It’s easy to come up with small objectives for ourselves. When it comes to constructing something that speaks to a higher purpose, it gets trickier.
-ArtWork: The Philosopher’s Stone (2020)-